3 December 2024 Tue
Press Release

TİSK has granted the “TISK 2014 CSR Awards” at the National Conference took place in Istanbul Le Meridien Otel on September 17, 2014 within the scope of the “Corporate Social Responsibility for All Project (CSR for ALL)”, which is financed by the European Commission and implemented under the leadership of TİSK.


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ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION 9-10 October İstanbul 30.11.2012

Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK) has successfully conducted “The Round Table Discussion” for the project named “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for ALL” which is financed by the European Commission, on October , 9-10 2013 in Istanbul.


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Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK) has successfully been granted a project called “CSR for ALL” by the European Commission. The Grant Contract is signed on 30 November 2012 among the European Commission and TISK, as lead contractor.


The Project aims to develop the capacity of employer organisations and enterprises in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Turkey and in Balkan Countries. The Project will be implemented in a 2 years period by TİSKand other partner organisations in their respective countries and will create a network among Balkan Countries. The model that will be developed under the Project will serve as a guideline for all employer organisations around the world in leading their member enterprises regarding their corporate social responsibility activities. The target group of the Project is not only limited to employer associations but also includes all stakeholders and intends to strengthen the corporate social responsibility in the whole society.


Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK) is the lead organisation and other partners in the Project are International Organization of Employers (IOE), Montenegrin Employers Federation (UPCG/MEF), The Business Confederation of Macedonia (BCM), Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP-CEA) and The National Council of Private Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR).


The Project will examine all initiatives around the world regarding corporate social responsibility and will introduce the CSR activities of Turkish and Balkan enterprises to the global audience. The total budget of the Project is approximately 1 million Euros and will be financed directly by the Brussels Office of European Commission under the “IPA Civil Society Facility 2011-2012 Multi-beneficiary Programme-Partnership Programmes for CSOs”.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK), Business Confederation Macedonia (BCM), Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP/CEA), Montenegrin Employers’ Federation (MEF/UPCG), National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) International Organization of Employers (IOE) and Republic of Azerbaijan National Confederation of Employer Associations and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Project Head Office
A: Hoşdere Caddesi Reşat Nuri Sokak No: 108 06540 Çankaya / ANKARA- TURKEY     P: +90 312 439 77 17     F: +90 312 439 75 92-93-94     E: info@csrforall.eu
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