8 September 2024 Sun
Project Overview

Corporate Social Responsibility for All Project (CSR for ALL)

The Project is being implemented in two phases (2 years for each phase). The first phase of the Project was funded under the IPA Civil Society Facility 2011-2012 Multi-beneficiary Programme – Partnership Programmes for CSOs. The second phase of the Project was funded under the IPA Civil Society Facility 2014-2015 Multi-beneficiary Programme – Partnership Programmes for CSOs.

Project Number: EuropeAid/132438/C/ACT/Multi
Project Implementation Period:
1st Phase: 01.12.2012 to 01.12.2014 (24 Months)
2nd Phase: 01.12.2014 to 01.12.2016 (24 Months)
Total Budget
1st Phase: € 908,507.32
2nd Phase: € 712,366.58

Project contributes for more dynamic civil society organizations who are actively participating in public debates on democracy, human rights, social inclusion and the rule of law, with a capacity to influence policy and decision-making processes.


Particularly builds awareness and capacity in partnership/network of employer organizations (EOs) in South East Europe region regarding CSR and Sustainability Reporting (SR) in order to improve their participation in multi-stakeholder dialogue (as well as their influence on public sector reform process) at national and international levels;
and will create awareness and build capacity in the network of employer organizations (EOs) in the region to guide enterprises for their positive impacts on society and to integrate social, environmental, ethical, human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy.

Achieved outcomes of First Phase were:
  • 20 National Task Force’s (NTF’s) were trained and became experts in the area of CSR,
  • 120 Formators from sub organizations of the partners received CSR training and became sectorial experts in the area of CSR,
  • CSR Awareness of 500 enterprises in partner countries were raised,
  • 5 “National Review Reports” which describes the partner countries national CSR situations were prepared,
  • “Awareness Raising and Capacity Building Support Package” which consists  of training modules and materials, was arranged,
  • “Handbook on CSR for Employer Organizations” was prepared and translated into partners’ languages as well as Azeri, Spanish and Portuguese to respond the demand,
  • CSR Best Practice Criteria was set and 51 Projects’ best practices were awarded in 5 partner countries,
  • “South East Europe CSR Awards Book” which includes 51 CSR Project winners from partner countries, was prepared and translated into 5 partner country languages and English,
  • More than 36.600 reports, materials and cds etc. were produced.
At the end of the second phase of the Project:
  • Supporting package will be developed for capacity building of employer organisations on sustainability reporting (SR) for helping the enterprises, influencing decision making process and developing joint strategic programmes with the aim of adding value to EO efforts and achieving sustainable outcomes.
  • Capacity of partner EOs will be enhanced on SR in order to perform timely consultations with other stakeholders, including governmental bodies and international networks.
  • Awareness of enterprises and other stakeholders will be raised throughout thematic areas of SR by developing EO strategies, and encouraged visibility and disseminated actions.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK), Business Confederation Macedonia (BCM), Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP/CEA), Montenegrin Employers’ Federation (MEF/UPCG), National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) International Organization of Employers (IOE) and Republic of Azerbaijan National Confederation of Employer Associations and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Project Head Office
A: Hoşdere Caddesi Reşat Nuri Sokak No: 108 06540 Çankaya / ANKARA- TURKEY     P: +90 312 439 77 17     F: +90 312 439 75 92-93-94     E: info@csrforall.eu
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